Irangardi Day
at Farsi School
Saturday April 30, 2005
Every year, towards the closing weeks of the school calendar year, Farsi
School of the Islamic Education Center celebrates a special day called Irangardi.
The main purpose of this day is to introduce different cultural and social
characteristics of the Iranian people to the students. Some of the features of
this event are:
Posters: teachers, students and parents work together to set up poster
presentation about selected provinces in Iran. Generally, the main information
about the province, its people, language and culture, tourist attractions, food
and customs are presented in the posters. Teachers and parents help the students
in preparations, but students themselves produce the content for the posters.
Live Attractions: Other popular events of this day include activities
presented by the students such as playing and singing traditional Persian songs,
reading stories and poems, choir and a play. As part of this event, students are
encouraged to dress up in traditional clothing of the people of the provinces
whom they created their posters.
Awards Ceremony: Awards are also given to the winners of Farsi
Language and General Knowledge Olympiad in the US.
At the end, guests, parents, and students are served with local and
traditional food of Iran.

The principal of Farsi School, Ms Habibian welcomes the parents,
guest, and
students to this year event.

The event was held in the large IEC auditorium.

Posters presentation of Tehran by kindergarten class.

Posters presentation of Lurestan province by 4th grade class.

Posters presentation of Kurdestan province by 5th grade class.